Installation ============ **This is a draft** This documentation is in an early state and your mileage may vary, please raise issues on github for any problems you encounter. From pip -------- :: pip install orlo The pip build will usually be up to date, but occasionally it may be behind, especially relative to development forks. From source ----------- Clone the github repo: :: git clone cd orlo python install Or: :: pip install Developing in Vagrant --------------------- Install Vagrant as per the docs, cd to the git clone of orlo and run `vagrant up`. From here you should be able to do `cd /vagrant/orlo` followed by `python develop`. Tests can be run with `tox`. Building the debian package --------------------------- This is not as nice as it could be at present but will improve in future. The main problem is that dh-virtualenv as supplied in jessie is too old, so you will need to obtain a version > 0.9. For this I suggest the repo provided by the author: Other than that, the vagrant environment is mostly setup to do this, so I suggest starting from there. The debian packages you will need (already installed by Vagrant) are: :: sudo apt-get -y install python-pip python-dev postgresql postgresql-server-dev-all build-essential git-buildpackages debhelper python-dev (plus dh-virtualenv) It should work on Ubuntu 14.04 and Debian Jessie onwards. From there, cd into a copy of the orlo repo and run `make deb`. If you have made changes beforehand, it is a good idea to update the version in and run `make changelog` first so that your package is distinct from any that we release. You will need to have git configured for this (git-dch will tell you on invocation). Initial Configuration --------------------- Orlo provides a command line interface for performing actions such as writing the config, setting up the database and running a test server. Run `orlo --help` for more information. On first install, you will want to write out a config file: :: sudo orlo write_config Once setup, you can run the server with `systemctl start orlo` if you used the debian package, or `orlo runserver` if you installed with pip. Database setup -------------- Orlo uses SQLAlchemy ORM which can use many database backends, but our instances use Postgres. Tests are run against in-memory SQLite, thus for small deploys sqlite should be fine, but you may run into problems with concurrent users. We strongly suggest setting up a proper database such as postgres. Postgres ```````` :: sudo -u postgres -i psql From the psql prompt: :: postgres=# create user orlo with password 'my-secure-password'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# create database orlo owner orlo; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# Update uri under [db] in orlo.ini, e.g. :: uri = postgres://orlo:my-secure-password@localhost:5432/orlo SQLite `````` Create a directory for the db, e.g. : :: mkdir /var/lib/orlo chown orlo:root /var/lib/orlo Update the uri under [db] in orlo.ini to point to a file in this directory: :: uri = sqlite:///var/lib/orlo/database.sqlite Both ```` If installed from the debian package run :: orlo setup_database Running under Gunicorn ---------------------- Under ./etc an example systemd unit file is provided, but to run it in the foreground with 4 workers do: :: gunicorn -w 4 -b orlo:app Test it is running: :: curl -v And it should return 'pong' Nginx Setup ----------- We strongly recommend running orlo behind a proxy such as nginx, with TLS if you plan to use authentication. An example configuration is provided under ./etc/